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Botox Treatment

PRP Treatments

Experience the transformative power of the Vampire Facelift and PRP Hair Loss Treatment at our clinic. Our Vampire Facelift rejuvenates your skin by utilising your own blood to stimulate new cell growth and enhance your skin's texture and complexion. Meanwhile, PRP Hair Loss Treatment, suitable for both men and women, harnesses the growth factors within platelets to awaken dormant hair follicles, resulting in thicker, fuller hair. With minimal discomfort and downtime, you can expect visible results after just a few sessions. Whether you seek skin rejuvenation or hair restoration, our clinic offers personalised treatments to meet your unique needs while ensuring your privacy and discretion. Your path to a more youthful appearance and vibrant hair begins here.



Discover the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Vampire Facelift, a rejuvenating technique that utilises your own blood. Through a centrifuge, your platelets are transformed into plasma, which is then injected into targeted areas. This stimulates new cell growth, tissue regeneration, and improves skin texture and complexion. Micro-needling with plasma enhances skin hydration and restores a youthful glow.



  • Skin rejuvenation

  • New cell growth stimulation

  • Enhanced skin tone, texture, and complexion


Treatment typically takes 60-90 minutes with topical numbing cream, and results manifest within days. Potential side effects include temporary swelling and bruising lasting 48-72 hours, but downtime is minimal, allowing you to return to work the next day.


While results are visible after one treatment, a series of three treatments every four weeks is recommended for optimal outcomes.



Introducing PRP Hair Loss Treatment, suitable for both men and women. This innovative therapy harnesses the power of platelets' growth factors to awaken dormant hair follicles and boost collagen production, resulting in thicker, fuller hair. The procedure begins with a blood sample, from which platelets are isolated using a centrifuge. These platelets are then skillfully injected into the areas of the scalp experiencing hair loss, often in combination with microneedling for enhanced effectiveness.


PRP Hair Loss Treatment can be utilised as a standalone solution or in conjunction with hair transplant procedures. To ensure your comfort, we apply numbing cream and use fine needles that mimic the sensation of hair for minimal discomfort. Following the treatment, you can immediately return to your daily activities.


Your journey to hair restoration is personalised to your unique needs, and a tailored treatment plan will be discussed during your initial consultation. Given the natural hair growth cycle, multiple sessions are typically recommended for optimal results. Whether you're seeking hair regeneration, post-cancer recovery, or support for a hair transplant, our clinic prioritises privacy and discretion throughout your experience.

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